Date 07/07/2024 - 19:30 - 07/17/2024 - 17:00 Place KURVE Wustrow / Germany Advanced Level "Do No Harm-Training of Trainers" (English speaking) The Do No Harm-Training of Trainers addresses everybody who not only wants to use the Do No Harm-Approach in managing projects but also wants to teach others how to use this tool. Prior knowledge of the Do No Harm-Approach is welcome but not a requirement as the training will start with a profound introduction to Do No Harm. After reflecting on the contents and methods of this introduction the participants will practice conducting these units in small groups. The Do No Harm-Training manual will be issued but participants will be invited to develop their own adaptations and new ways of teaching Do No Harm. In the second week of the training the participants will jointly conduct an introductory workshop for interested people. After reflecting on this practical part the participants will receive the certificate as Do No Harm-Trainer. More info on objectives, trainers, costs and application Downloads KURVE Wustrow Flyer Do No Harm Training 2024150.01 KB KURVE Wustrow Seminar Progr 2024_253.97 MB