PreviousNext Practitioner Trainings We offer 5-day practitioner trainings in English on the important topics related to civil nonviolent conflict transformation. The trainings are hands-on and are tailored to the specific needs of the participants. The participants are supported by experienced trainers and can not only deepen their knowledge but also share their own experiences. They empower and connect with each other. New flyer 2025"Practitioner Trainings" from February to April 2025Trainings at a glance:Mediating Conflicts in Groups (17.–21.02.2025)Defending Human Rights (24.–28.02.2025)Holistic Security (03.–07.03.2025)Facilitating a Training (10.–14.03.2025)Realising Gender Equity (17.–21.03.2025)Decolonial Transformation (24.–28.03.2025)Project Management (31.03.-04.04.2025)Link to the flyer for February - April 2025Application form 2025Depending on availability, places in individual training courses may still be available after the application period ended. Please contact us if you are interested. Online Application for our Practitioner Trainings in Presence in Febr/April 2025 Apply now Dates Venue Audience In February/March and October/November we always offer a range of different practitioner trainings, which can be booked individually or in combination. Seminar House of KURVE Wustrow in Wustrow (Wendland) The participants are activists and staff of non-governmental organisations or initiatives, who promote nonviolence, peace and justice. They apply the acquired knowledge in their practical work and share it with others in their own contexts. Topics and Dates Anti-Bias and Social Inclusion Dates: 20.-24.10.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto reflect upon and express their own role in processes of exclusion and inclusion at personal, interpersonal and structural levels in a global contextto critically reflect on the role of prejudices, power inequalities and ideologies in peace work and to begin to develop strategies to counter their negative effectsto explain and build upon the anti-bias and social inclusion approach in their own work contextPeace Work aims at establishing and nurturing inclusive societies that provide equal access to social, political and economic resources to all – irrespective of their ethnic origin, age, gender, physical or mental condition, religious background, sexual orientation, etc. The training introduces the concepts of Anti-Bias and Social Inclusion. It aims at strengthening respect for diversity and creating awareness for discrimination and social exclusion.Participants will reflect how they themselves are involved and/or affected by the social/global power relations. They will learn how to initiate processes of prejudice awareness that motivate and equip individuals, groups and institutions to critically confront their discriminatory attitudes and actions, and thus develop sustainable empowering structures. TrainersCvetka BovhaPrasad Reddy Applying Do No Harm Dates:this issue takes place online in May 2025 Objectives Participants are ableto apply the Do No Harm tool to a real projectto assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Do No Harm approach in comparison with other tools they knowto integrate Do No Harm into existing project management proceduresWe want to do good, but might do harm instead. How can we avoid doing harm? The Do No Harm approach was developed by many practitioners engaged in development work and humanitarian assistance to give an answer to this question. Nowadays it is used by many organisations, also particularly in peace and human rights work.In this training the Do No Harm tool will first be presented by the trainers using a case study. Then participants will be supported in applying the tool to their own projects. In a confidential setting (based on Chatham House rules) the critical details of the project design will be identified and options for a conflict sensitive and effective re-design will be developed. The training is relevant for all who coordinate projects and intend to apply the Do No Harm tool to their own – which might be projects with a focus on peacebuilding, development or humanitarian assistance.TrainersWolfgang HeinrichJochen Neumann Beratung im Kontext gewaltfreier Konflikttransformation und sozialer Bewegungen +++ in German language only +++ +++ in German language only +++Termine: dieses Thema findet wieder im Januar 2026 online statt ZieleDie Teilnehmenden habensich mit der Vielfalt dessen auseinandergesetzt, was „Beratung“ bedeuten kann.Haltungen und deren Ausdruck reflektiert, die für Beratungsrollen relevant sind, insbesondere für Beratung in sozialen Bewegungen und kultursensiblen Kontexten.Methoden und Instrumente erlernt und geübt, die sie in Beratungstätigkeiten nutzen können.Beratung kann in unterschiedlichen Arbeitszusammenhängen genutzt werden und bietet viele verschiedene Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. In diesem Fachseminar beleuchten wir unterschiedliche Kontexte und Rollen, in denen Beratung flexibel eingesetzt werden kann sowie Beratungsmethodik und Phasen der Beratung in Einzel- und Gruppensettings. In der Beratungsmethodik beziehen wir uns insbesondere auf systemische Beratung, sowie achtsamkeitsbasierte Ansätze aus den kontextuellen Verhaltenswissenschaften (z.B. ACT).In der KURVE Wustrow liegt uns eine kultur-, kontext- und konfliktsensible Beratung in sozialen Bewegungen und in anderen Kulturen am Herzen. Daher nimmt die Reflexion von Haltungen und der beraterischen Beziehung eine besondere Rolle ein. Wir schaffen außerdem Raum für die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, wie Berater*innen nicht nur für den beraterischen Prozess, sondern auch sich selbst sorgen können.Trainer*innenThimna BunteHarald Weishaupt Campaigning for Nonviolent Change Dates:This topic will only take place online in 2025. ObjectivesParticipants are ableto facilitate the planning process of a nonviolent campaign in their own contexts;to select creative forms of actions for successful and sustainable campaigns.Successful nonviolent movements are not just reacting on their opponents, but use operational planning and develop campaigns to put their activists on the offensive.The training will focus on the planning process for a nonviolent campaign: How to pick the right campaign and formulate demands? How can we plan and then handle dynamics of political campaigning? Can we find consensus for „nonviolent discipline“, and how to make everyone do the right thing at the right time? How to develop creative actions and create strong images? How should we communicate with authorities and opponents, and lead negotiations? How do we ensure sustainable change after the campaign is over?The training is for activists, organisers and leaders as well as peacebuilders and trainers involved in nonviolent movements, who want to plan and coordinate successful nonviolent campaigns and/or facilitate others to do so.TrainersThimna BunteHilal Demir Dealing with the Past Date:27.-31.10.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto assess the strengths and weaknesses of selected processes of dealing with the pastto find their own answers to key questions related to dealing the past processesViolent conflicts lead to numerous injustices and leave scars on a society. These injustices are often degenerating into new patterns of violence seeking justification in the past. A vicious circle.Dealing with a violent past in a constructive manner is at the core of peacebuilding. It is a precondition to reconciliation. However, there are many different ways – ranging from impunity and general amnesty to national truths commissions and international courts of justice. Such processes invoke questions such as: Why punishments, why amnesty? Is there collective guilt / responsibility? How to deal with collective memory and opposing versions of truth and history? Who is a victim, what is victimisation?The trainers will offer insights into the processes they have been involved in. But foremost we will seek for answers and foster re-questioning.TrainersAna BitoljanuNedžad Novalić Davorka TurkNenad Vukosavljević Decolonial Transformation Date:24.-28.03.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are able toto critically reflect on colonialisation and its effects on our societies up until todayto identify injustices and privileges from a de-colonial perspective as well as actions towards decolonial transformationto identify and challenge stereotypes and prejudices that we carryColonisation has not been overcome yet, and it wasn’t only about claiming geographic territory. It is still to be found in many spheres of our societies, resulting in attitudes and stereotypes that are not helpful for inclusive and sustainable change processes. Decolonial transformation is addressing these influences that harm us as individuals as well as communities and societies. In this training we will apply frameworks and concepts used in decolonial work. Participants will be invited to explore ways to recognise and transform the dynamics of colonisation at the individual and organisational level and how those dynamics relate to the systemic level.TrainersJoel Campe Nontokozo Sedibe-Sabic Defending Human Rights Dates:24.–28.02.2025 in presenceThis issue will also take place online in 2025. ObjectivesParticipants are ableto gain an insights into the concept of human rights and an overview of selected international and regional human rights instruments;to formulate their own standpoint on the universality of human rights;to identify potential strategies for defending human rights in their own context.Human rights matter for peace work in at least three different ways. The denial of human rights can be a cause for conflict. Violent conflict often goes along with gross human rights violations. And human rights can serve as a vision for a just and peaceful society in a post-conflict setting.In this training we uncover the origin(s) of human rights, give an overview of the most important international and regional human rights standards and apply these to selected case studies of human rights violations. Furthermore we will discuss the universality of human rights from different perspectives. We will share examples how human rights are effectively claimed and defended and how human rights defenders can be protected.The training is relevant for all who want to gain a better understanding of the concept of human rights and who want to defend human rights or protect human rights defenders.TrainersPaula Monteiro DaneseDaniel Ó CluanaighSantiago Zuleta Digital Security Dates:this issue is not scheduled in 2025 ObjectivesParticipants are ableto identify and respond to emerging risks to the sensitive information they manage in their work;to maintain and improve the basic security of their digital devices and accounts;to in accordance with their necessities, understand and implement advanced tools to protect their data storage and communication.This training will create awareness and support capacity-building which is relevant to the digital security of the participants. Peace activists will be enabled to do the risk self-assessment related to their own information management. They will gain insights into personal and organisational strategies on digital security concerning computers, internet and mobile/smart phones.Participants will learn about secure behaviours and tools to use for maintenance of devices, safer storage and recovery of sensitive information, and more secure communication.TrainersMarianne KochPeter Steudtner Facilitating a Training Date:10.–14.03.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto assess their own strengths and weaknesses as a facilitator of trainings for adults;to better design trainings that are based on key principles of adult learning and the concept of Action Learning.Facilitation skills are essential for everyone who wants to work with people and support communication processes. Training is a very sophisticated form of communication and is aimed at facilitating learning.Participants will gain an overview of learning theories, principles of adult learning and a selection of training concepts like Action Learning and Comfort Zones. Moreover, the design of this training will be critically reflected in order to assist participants in designing and conducting trainings themselves.Additionally participants will get an opportunity to demonstrate their skills as a facilitator including a video recording for self-reflection and if requested with feedback from trainers.TrainersJochen NeumannWilma Raabe Holistic Security Dates:03.–07.03.2025 in presence OBJECTIVES Participants are ableto carry out in-depth risk and context analysis to improve their personal and organisational security practicesto create basic security plans and protocols for common or high-risk aspects of their work and activismto know and choose secure practices and tools according to their own situation and capacityActivists and peace workers face many risks depending on their contexts. This training combines physical, psychosocial and digital elements of security and care with security planning and management into an integrated approach. It will stimulate participants to think critically and act to improve the security of themselves, their communities, and families with the objective of “well-being in action”.Based on the Holistic Security Approach, this training enables participants to reframe security into community-care and self-care within their contexts, collectives and organisations to face different forms of repression and violence.TrainersMarianne KochYara Sallam Mediating Conflicts in Groups Dates:17.-21.02.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto analyse a conflict with its differences and animositiesto select the relevant and appropriate tools for their facilitation of conflictsto support articulating needs and values and generating cooperative solutions.In this training we will deal with effective ways to transform conflicts within or between groups.Participants will gain insights into selected tools and have the opportunity to practice and apply these tools to their own projects and/or case studies. Participants will assess the strengths and weaknesses of these tools in order to choose and adapt the most adequate ones.This training course addresses activists, staff of NGOs and peace workers who need to facilitate conflicts within their work.TrainersSilke FreitagMarianne Koch Nonviolent Conflict Transformation Dates:06.–10.10.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto understand the approach of nonviolent conflict transformation;to identify and understand the need for nonviolent action to confront injustices;to gain an overview of the wide range of nonviolent meansPeace work is often associated with “classic” peacemaking approaches like negotiations and mediation. Such methods can lead to sustainable solutions and a de-escalation of conflict. However, in order for them to be successful, there has to be a certain degree of power balance between parties and awareness for the root causes of conflict. To create such pre-conditions, nonviolent direct action can be a tool to raise awareness, mobilise people and confront injustice.The training addresses people who are or want to become peace or movement workers. Participants will study the basic concepts of nonviolent conflict transformation based on Diana Francis, including definitions of violence and peace by Johan Galtung as well as means of nonviolent action as described by Gene Sharp and others.TrainersJochen NeumannLaura Weber Peace Education in Practice Dates:10.-14.11.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto understand the concept “logic of peace” in relation to the “logic of security” and translate it to their own contextto develop their own attitude, values and understanding of peace educationto develop a programme of peace education by adapting methods and formats to their own context.Peace education, understood as the education towards peace, tries to question the status quo of uncivil relations, educates on ways and methods of peaceful transformation of conflicts and opens a space to reflect upon one’s own violent / peaceful attitudes, values and actions.In this training we will introduce participants to the concept of the “logic of peace” which can serve as an analytical tool as well as practical guidance. It allows participants to change their perspective and to see a variety of opportunities for action which can initiate a paradigm shift from the logic of security to the logic of peace. Furthermore participants are introduced to and will practice a selection of methods and formats of peace education.The training also involves strategising for the implementation of peace education on different levels of your respective context – towards the institutionalisation. We will share our experience in the field of peace education but also include and build on the cases and questions participants will introduce.TrainersEsther BinneAna Bitoljanu Project Management Dates:31.03.-04.04.2025 in presence17.-21.11.2025 in presenceThis issue also takes place online in 2025. Objectives Participants are ableto assess the strengths and weaknesses of selected project management approaches and tools;to select the relevant and appropriate tools for their project context;to apply key elements of selected project management tools.Peace work needs proper planning, monitoring and evaluation in order to be able to contribute positively towards conflict transformation. In this training we will deal with questions about effective ways to promote peace and respective tools are offered to find valid answers. These approaches and tools range from Outcome Mapping to „Do No Harm“ and “Reflecting on Peace Practice”.Participants will gain insights into selected tools and have the opportunity to apply these tools to their own projects and/or case studies. Participants will assess the strengths and weaknesses of these tools in order to choose and adapt the right tools for managing their peace projects.The training is relevant for all who intend to engage in or are already in a position to coordinate peace projects.TrainersGesa BentJochen Neumann Realising Gender Equity Dates:17.-21.03.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto understand the basic concept of gender sensitivity in civil society organisations and activists' movements;to identify in which ways gender is relevant for themselves in their context;to plan concrete steps for advancing a safer space and gender sensitive mainstreaming.In this training, we will look at power differences from a gender perspective. Social norms are interacting with power issues and shape society's understanding of 'men' and 'women' and their 'appropriate' roles at work and in the public sphere. A more just society relies on gender-sensitive civil society organisations.This training, therefore, will look at the relevance of 'gender' on an individual and organisational level. Together we will develop an organisation-specific plan for creating a momentum of change and a plan for transformation.TrainersLiron Peleg HadomiLihi Levian Joffe Rawia Loucia Strategising Nonviolent Change in Social Movements Dates:13.-17.10.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto assess the complexity of social change, the functioning of movements, and the role of powerto apply relevant tools for conflict analysis, movement analysis, as well as strategisingto support the build-up of strategies that are adaptive and resilient in complex and changing contextsActions and campaigns without a strategy might not create the desired change – and neither will endless strategising without implementing actions. In this training, we explore how social change happens, how movements function, and how we can use tools for building up power and adapt strategies to be resilient in complex and changing contexts.Based on their own case examples, they will learn about rational, creative and narrative approaches to strategising, including in contexts of repression. In a simulation, they will experience challenges of alliances-building as a central dimension of generating power.The training is for activists, organisers and leaders as well as peacebuilders and trainers involved in nonviolent movements, who want to plan and facilitate effective, adaptive and resilient strategies together with other movement actors.TrainersThimna BunteHilal Demir Stress and Trauma Sensitivity in Peacebuilding Dates:03.–07.11.2025 in presence ObjectivesParticipants are ableto understand the meaning of stress, trauma as well as stress and trauma sensitivity in the context of peacebuildingto understand the impact of different forms of violence and power dynamics on trauma (intersectional perspective)to reflect on how stress and trauma can affect themselves in their role as well as teams and organisationsThe stress- and trauma-sensitive approach (STA) by medica mondiale is at the heart of this training. Participants learn about trauma sensitivity in a stress and trauma sensitive learning atmosphere. Self-care is woven into the training process as a crosscutting element. The STA approach also provides a practical orientation to put into practice stress and trauma sensitive peacebuilding with target groups, partners, staff (members), teams and organisations. This includes the impact of trauma dynamics on staff and teams.In our training, we provide guidance how organisations, projects and individual practitioners can integrate trauma sensitivity into their activities, programmes and organisational structures.TrainersPia FrohweinSabiha Husić Costs and Application FeeThe course fee is1.800,– Euro for organisations1.200,– Euro for individuals1.000,– Euro reduced fee for individuals (upon request)The course fee covers training material, vegetarian full board and lodging from Monday to Friday (dormitory style; single room supplementavailable for 10,00 Euro per day) in the seminar house of KURVE Wustrow.If lack of funds is an obstacle to your participation, please let us know. Depending on availability of funds, we may be able to offer reductions on the participation fee or cover your travel expenses partially.ApplicationApplications should reach us as early as possible. We provide the application form for the respective training series in due time on our website.Application Periods for people in need of a visa or financial support: by 27.10.2024 at the latest for all interested persons without a visa: by 19.01.2025 at the latestDepending on availability, places in individual training courses may still be available after the application deadline. Please contact us if you are interested. Please note For people in need of visa, contact the German Embassy or Consulate as early as possible to find out the conditions for receiving a visa. We will support you with an official invitation and cover the health insurance during your stay. All other documents must be produced by you. Post-Trainings Support We consider post-training support as an essential part of the learning process in order to fully understand the contents of the training, to develop new skills and to adapt the methods presented in a training to the local context and specific needs of the participant. Thus, for all our practitioner trainings we offer some follow-up support to participants by one or all trainers. Usually the support is from a distance and accordingly will be based on means of communication like email, messenger, video conference or the like. However, making use of the post-training support offered is optional for participants. In our seminar programme you'll find all trainings that we offer in 2024/25. It is bilingual German and English. Read more Downloads Flyer KURVE Wustrow Practitioner Trainings Presence Febr-April 2025159.27 KB KURVE Wustrow Seminar Progr 2024_253.97 MB Contact Persons Mona Leirichppt [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (ppt(at) In our media library you'll find info material, publications, videos and much more Catch up now