Unsere Trainer*innen / Our Trainers EN: If the trainers are currently conducting trainings for us only in German their profile is listed here in German.DE: Wenn die Trainer*innen deutschsprachige Trainings für uns durchführen, ist ihr Profil hier auf Deutsch beschrieben.Gesa Bentis a trainer, facilitator and coach on project management, strategy design and gender sensitivity in the field of conflict transformation and social change. She works with NGOs, networks, foundations, activists and volunteer groups, adapting her methodologies to different groups and working approaches.Esther Binneworks as coach, consultant and trainer with a focus on methods of nonviolent conflict transformation, campaigning and peace education. Bringing peace education to schools, she works with pupils, teachers and directors. Esther is part of the unit of peace education and encounter at KURVE Wustrow.Ana Bitoljanuis a peace activist and has many years of experience working as a trainer in the field of peace building in Ex-Yugoslav countries. She is involved in education and support of teachers for peace education in schools in Northern Macedonia and is interested in ethics and peace work.Cvetka Bovhais a trainer in the Anti-Bias approach. She accompanies schools, non-profit organisations and teams in incorporating inclusion into their organisational development processes and facilitates programmes of international exchange and volunteer services.Thimna Bunteaccompanies, advises and trains actors and initiatives of nonviolent resistance and conflict transformation, as well as municipal actors in strategy building, conflict transformation and psychosocial security. She was also civil peace worker for KURVE Wustrow in Palestine.Joel Campeist Permakultur-Gestalter*in, Trainer*in und Supervisor*in (DGSv). Als Bewegungsarbeiter*in der KURVE Wustrow ist Joel in lokalen Bündnissen aktiv, koordiniert Konfliktmoderationsfortbildungen für Aktivist*innen, leitet auf Anfrage Workshops an und moderiert Veranstaltungen, Gruppen oder Konflikte. // Joel Campe supports progressive social movements through KURVE Wustrow by offering meeting facilitation, conflict mediation or training. They have been involved with projects in the field of social-ecological transformation for more than 20 years. Joel strives to contribute to a world in which people reflect on global power imbalances and work toward social justice on a broad scale.Hilal Demirworks as a trainer for nonviolence since 1999 within Turkey and internationally. In 2014 she founded the first centre on Nonviolence in Turkey, the “Nonviolent Education and Research Centre”. She organises nonviolent trainings for NGOs and activists, initiated the first nonviolent trainer network in Turkey, and prepared a handbook of nonviolent tools for facilitators in in Turkish.Jonas Duhmeist seit über 15 Jahren in der Kinder- und Jugendbildung aktiv. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Interkulturalität, politische Bildung, Antirassismus und Aktivsportreisen. Zudem arbeitet er als Extremismusforscher und freier Referent in der Rechtsextremismus-Prävention.Spino Fanteis an Anti-Bias and diversity management trainer and lives in South Africa. She has actively worked to promote values and human rights in South African schools and communities. Through the Anti-Racism and Training (ART) Network she facilitated Anti-Bias trainings in Germany and the Netherlands. She focuses on issues of inclusion, anti-discrimination and nonviolent conflict transformation.Silke Freitagfacilitates as a mediator in grassroot organisations and social movements as well as consensus orientated dialogues in neighbourhoods. She also teaches mediation at the University of Hamburg.Pia Frohweinis a sociologist with a focus on feminist development sociology, trauma counsellor, civil peace worker, and a mediator. She has worked on dealing with the past and collective memory, trauma, multiple forms of discrimination (intersectionality), gender and dialogue. She currently works for the women*’s rights organisation medica mondiale as an advisor on trauma and educational work and provides technical support on trauma related aspects to different audiences and with different formats. Dorothea Giesche von Rüdenist ausgebildet als Gymnasiallehrerin, Heilpraktikerin, Psychotherapeutin und Mediatorin. Sie arbeitet als Beraterin, Trainerin, Therapeutin und Bildungsarbeiterin, z. B. mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten und zu Genderidentitätsfragen.Henk Göbelist Mediator, Schauspieler und Theaterpädagoge i.A. Er arbeitet als Berater, Trainer und Therapeut in der Theaterarbeit, Traumaarbeit und Prävention von sexualisierter Gewalt, z. B. für HILFE-FÜR-JUNGS e.V..Barbara Grafist seit 2016 in der „AG rechte Tendenzen“ im Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft aktiv und seit 2022 Trainer*in für FARN (Fachstelle für Radikalisierungsprävention und Engagement im Naturschutz). Zusammen mit Vertreter*innen aus anderen Bio-Verbänden und Netzwerken arbeitet sie daran, die Anschlussfähigkeit für rechte Positionen an die Öko-Landwirtschaft zu verringern.Liron Peleg Hadomiis a social worker, a group facilitator, feminist and entrepreneur. She has 20 years experience in establishing and managing training programmes at the national and international level. Liron is the founder and CEO of GENDA, a training centre for the advancement of gender equality, in partnership with Haifa University in Israel.Wolfgang Heinrichworked in 1996 for the „Local Capacities for Peace Project“, through which the Do No Harm-Approach was developed. Since then he was active in the implementation, testing and shaping as well as the dissemination of it. He is a Do No Harm-Trainer and recently retired from Bread for the World – Protestant Church Service. He supports local organisations in South Asia and the Horn of Africa in mainstreaming the Do No Harm-Approach.Sabiha Husićis a psychotherapist and interreligious peacebuilder, and the director of “Medica” Zenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina. She obtained a PhD degree in Gender Studies and has been working as a psychotherapist for 30 years directly with survivors of war and post-war gender-based violence.Lihi Levian Joffeis a group facilitator, active in the feminist LGBTQ anti occupation movement and is a boardmember of The Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel. In the past years she has been part o fpolitical youth organisations as an organiser and group facilitator as well as volunteering in theRape Crises Center. Hannah Krausis a trainer and facilitator with a focus on project management, peace education and Do No Harm. After spending several years in South America and working as a peace worker in North Macedonia with KURVE Wustrow she joined Peace Brigades International in 2022 as a strategic advisor.Marianne Kochis a trainer, facilitator and mediator. She has been active in social movements and has many years of experience in facilitating political groups as well as in civil disobedience. Furthermore she works on nonviolence and holistic security.Rawia Louciaworks as a coordinator of social change and raising awareness at “Women Against Violence”, an NGO in Nazareth, Israel. She has experience in writing curriculums and guidance on gender mainstreaming. She worked in many organisations and schools. She was a participant in dialogue meetings between Israeli, Palestinian and German women for nearly 10 years and wrote a book about her experience.Mehrangiz Makiist Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, systemische Familientherapeutin und Mediatorin. Sie arbeitet mit Mädchen unterschiedlicher Herkunft, in der Einzelbetreuung und in der Begleitung von Geflüchteten.Sachi Maniar is a social justice advocate and the founder of Ashiyana Foundation, a Mumbai-based non-profit working with at-risk children and youth. Sachi is also a trainer and practitioner of restorative approaches and nonviolence and has been affiliated with several prestigious organisations, including Oxfam, Ashoka’s Youth Venture, UNICEF and Metta Center.Paula Monteiro Danesehas a PhD in International Law from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and was a visiting researcher at Europa Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. She is currently a lawyer and law professor at EBRADI, ESA-SP and LEGALE. As a lawyer, she is a legal consultant for Caritas Germany, working with strategic litigation in Human Rights.Jochen Neumannis a trainer in nonviolent conflict transformation and director of KURVE Wustrow. He worked on mediation and reconciliation in South Africa and implemented Do No Harm at a human rights organisation.Nedžad Novalićborn in 1988 in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, historian, interested in ethnic identity, historical narratives and historical myths. Worked as journalist and editor for various media. Since 2012 committed to peacebuilding work in the region of former Yugoslavia, team member of the Centre for Nonviolent Action since 2017. Experienced trainer in peacebuilding and nonviolent conflict transformation with groups of high conflict potential.Daniel Ó Cluanaighhis a consultant and trainer focused on human rights, security, and conflict transformation. He collaborates with the Digital Defenders Partnership at Hivos and is a member of the Project Committee of Peace Brigades International Mexico. Wilma Raabeworks as coach, consultant and trainer. Do-No-Harm, Anti-Bias, Social Justice and Diversity are key themes of her work. As a coach and consultant she mainly works with teams that wish to reflect on their teamwork and further develop their collaboration, communication and feedback culture.Prasad Reddyis a certified social inclusion and diversity trainer in the non-profit sector with vast international experience. He is the founder and Managing Director of the Centre for Social Inclusion Migration and Participation in Bonn. Yara Sallamis a feminist researcher, translator and facilitator from Egypt. She has worked on criminal justice, regional and international human rights mechanisms, transitional justice, freedom of religion and belief, and women human rights defenders issues. She is now focussed on holistic security and care for activists.David Scheuinghat Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in Marburg studiert und ist aktives Mitglied in der DFG-VK sowie beim Bund für Soziale Verteidigung. Er hat als Trainer für das Projekt ‘LOVE-Storm’ gegen Hass im Internet gearbeitet und beschäftigt sich mit Techniken, Tools und Methoden der digitalen Kampagnenarbeit sowie mit der Theorie gewaltfreier Kampagnen und mit Widerstandspraxis.Nontokozo Sedibe-Sabic is an advocate for climate and social justice, community living and North-South healing and reconciliation, utilising the principles of UBUNTU. Nontokozo works with international organisations to develop ways of dismantling systems of oppression, decolonising and healing. She also coaches individuals, and has experience in different collaborative methodologies in facilitation, project and group dynamics.Mai Ali Shattais a trainer for nonviolence and digital security, a human rights defender and computer engineer.Originally from Omdurman, Sudan, she is currently living in Berlin. She is active for just peace and human rights in Sudan as well as for refugee rights in Germany and Europe. Peter Steudtneris a trainer in nonviolent conflict transformation and a photographer / filmmaker. His training focus lies on holistic security for peace, human and environmental rights activists and on the Do No Harm-approach. Currently he is a Digital Integrity Fellow at HIVOS / DDDavorka Turkis a peace activist from Zagreb, Croatia, living in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sociologist by profession, she spent 20 years (including war time) producing the news programme for Croatian Television. For the last decade she is a member of Centre for Nonviolent Action, working mostly within peace education programmes, exchange of knowledge and experiences in dealing with the past and peacebuilding.Nenad Vukosavljevićis a peace activist and conscientious objector, conducts cross-regional trainings in conflict transformation since 1997 in Sarajevo. In 2002 he returned to his hometown Belgrade, Serbia after long exile. He works at the Centre for Nonviolent Action (CNA) in Belgrade, contributes to peacebuilding programme for war veterans / former enemies, education and exchange programmes, writing and photography.Laura Weberis a trainer in nonviolent conflict transformation and leadership skills for youths. She works as peacebuilding coordinator for Sri Lanka at KURVE Wustrow. Harald Weishauptist Diplom- Sozialpädagoge, Konfliktberater und Friedensfachkraft. Er arbeitet als freier Trainer für zivile gewaltfreie Konfliktbearbeitung und engagiert sich seit fast 15 Jahren beim Friedenskreis Halle e.V.Ulrich Wohlandist Soziologe, Campaigner und Mediator. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit Campaigning und Organising in der Gewerkschaftsbewegung sowie in Sozialen Bewegungen aktiv. Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit sind Moderation und Beratung von Organisations-, Umstrukturierungs- und Entwicklungsprozessen, sowie die Intensivierung von Kampagnenarbeit in Sozialen Bewegungen. Santiago Zuletais a historian and lawyer from Colombia. He focuses his practice on business and human rights, and works as a judicial assistant in international arbitrations as well as a researcher and consultant in several human rights projects.