Practitioner Trainings Online

During the Corona pandemic we have developed some online trainings as an alternative to our presence trainings. Based on these positive experiences we have increased the number of online trainings and decided to make these a permanent part of our programme.

We will abide by our well-proven approach of combining theory and practice. Interactive learning also works online!

Our Online Training Series will take place in May & June 2025:

Applying Do No Harm 
Defending Human Rights
Campaigning for Nonviolent Change
Project Management 

The application portal is now open and can be found here

More information on the individual trainings can be found on this page below and an updated flyer will be available soon. 

Application Form for our Online Trainings

Each online training starts with a one-hour introduction (14:00-15:00 hours CET). In this video conference we explain the tools used, see tab "Technical Requirements".

The training sessions consist of video conferences (09:00–13:00 hours CET), with short breaks. Here the trainers will briefly present some contents and facilitate exercises in small group settings.

Times for video conferences:
The video conferences take place in the mornings between 09:00-13:00 (CET), with short breaks.

In addition to these video conference times, participants are expected to spend sufficient time on self-study and practical tasks (approx. 2-3 hours each) between the video conferences. Participants are expected to commit fully to this.

We use secure open source software on our own managed servers. Participants will not have to install any software. For the video conferences participants will simply receive a secure link to a conference room (Big Blue Button) which they can open with any kind of browser. Similarly, for our online learning platform (Ilias) participants will receive a link and password protected access.

Participants should have a computer and mainly for the video conferences an internet connection with (at least) 0.5 Mbits/sec upstream bandwidth and (at least) 1 Mbits/sec download bandwidth.

Please check your bandwidth in advance by using this free service:

You will need this data about the speed of your internet connection when you fill in the application form.

Participating in the one-hour introduction and passing the tech-check is obligatory. This introductory session always takes place usually on Thursday from 14:00-15:00 before the training starts on Monday. If you do not show up for the introduction or do not meet the technical requirements your participation in the online training will be cancelled while you will be charged with the full training fee.

The participants are activists and staff of non-governmental organisations or initiatives, who promote nonviolence, peace and justice. They apply the acquired knowledge in their practical work and share it with others in their own contexts.

Topics and Dates


  • April-May 2025: Tue. 29.04. at 14:00-15:00 Introductory Session and 05.+08.+12.+15.+19.+22.+26.05.2025 Online Training

Participants are able

  • to apply the Do No Harm tool to a real project
  • to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Do No Harm approach in comparison with other tools they know
  • to integrate Do No Harm into existing project management procedures

We want to do good, but might do harm instead. How can we avoid doing harm? The Do No Harm approach was developed by many practitioners engaged in development work and humanitarian assistance to give an answer to this question. Nowadays it is used by many organisations, also particularly in peace and human rights work.

In this training the Do No Harm tool will first be presented by the trainers using a case study. Then participants will be supported in applying the tool to their own projects. In a confidential setting (based on Chatham House rules) the critical details of the project design will be identified and options for a conflict sensitive and effective re-design will be developed. The training is relevant for all who coordinate projects and intend to apply the Do No Harm tool to their own – which might be projects with a focus on peacebuilding, development or humanitarian assistance.

Wolfgang Heinrich
Jochen Neumann

+++ in German language only +++


  • January 2025: Mo 06.01.2025 at 14:00-15:00 obligatory introduction and 09.-10.+16.-17.+23.-24.01.2025 Online -Training
  • to the German page

Die Teilnehmenden haben

  • sich mit der Vielfalt dessen auseinandergesetzt, was „Beratung“ bedeuten kann.
  • Haltungen und deren Ausdruck reflektiert, die für Beratungsrollen relevant sind, insbesondere für Beratung in sozialen Bewegungen und kultursensiblen Kontexten.
  • Methoden und Instrumente erlernt und geübt, die sie in Beratungstätigkeiten nutzen können.

Beratung kann in unterschiedlichen Arbeitszusammenhängen genutzt werden und bietet viele verschiedene Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. In diesem Fachseminar beleuchten wir unterschiedliche Kontexte und Rollen, in denen Beratung flexibel eingesetzt werden kann sowie Beratungsmethodik und Phasen der Beratung in Einzel- und Gruppensettings. In der Beratungsmethodik beziehen wir uns insbesondere auf systemische Beratung, sowie achtsamkeitsbasierte Ansätze aus den kontextuellen Verhaltenswissenschaften (z.B. ACT).

In der KURVE Wustrow liegt uns eine kultur-, kontext- und konfliktsensible Beratung in sozialen Bewegungen und in anderen Kulturen am Herzen. Daher nimmt die Reflexion von Haltungen und der beraterischen Beziehung eine besondere Rolle ein. Wir schaffen außerdem Raum für die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, wie Berater*innen nicht nur für den beraterischen Prozess, sondern auch sich selbst sorgen können.

Thimna Bunte
Harald Weishaupt


  • June 2025: Tue. 03.06. at 14:00-15:00 Introductory Session and 09.-13.06.2025 Online Training

Participants are able

  • to facilitate the planning process of a nonviolent campaign in their own contexts;
  • to select creative forms of actions for successful and sustainable campaigns.

Successful nonviolent movements are not just reacting on their opponents, but use operational planning and develop campaigns to put their activists on the offensive.

The training will focus on the planning process for a nonviolent campaign: How to pick the right campaign and formulate demands? How can we plan and then handle dynamics of political campaigning? Can we find consensus for „nonviolent discipline“, and how to make everyone do the right thing at the right time? How to develop creative actions and create strong images? How should we communicate with authorities and opponents, and lead negotiations? How do we ensure sustainable change after the campaign is over?

The training is for activists, organisers and leaders as well as peacebuilders and trainers involved in nonviolent movements, who want to plan and coordinate successful nonviolent campaigns and/or facilitate others to do so.

Thimna Bunte
Hilal Demir


Participants are able

  • to gain an insights into the concept of human rights and an overview of selected international and regional human rights instruments;
  • to formulate their own standpoint on the universality of human rights;
  • to identify potential strategies for defending human rights in their own context.

Human rights matter for peace work in at least three different ways. The denial of human rights can be a cause for conflict. Violent conflict often goes along with gross human rights violations. And human rights can serve as a vision for a just and peaceful society in a post-conflict setting.

In this training we uncover the origin(s) of human rights, give an overview of the most important international and regional human rights standards and apply these to selected case studies of human rights violations. Furthermore we will discuss the universality of human rights from different perspectives. We will share examples how human rights are effectively claimed and defended and how human rights defenders can be protected.

The training is relevant for all who want to gain a better understanding of the concept of human rights and who want to defend human rights or protect human rights defenders.

Milena Jochwed
Daniel Ó Clunaigh


Participants are able

  • to assess the strengths and weaknesses of selected project management approaches and tools;
  • to select the relevant and appropriate tools for their project context;
  • to apply key elements of selected project management tools.

Peace work needs proper planning, monitoring and evaluation in order to be able to contribute positively towards conflict transformation. In this training we will deal with questions about effective ways to promote peace and respective tools are offered to find valid answers. These approaches and tools range from Outcome Mapping to „Do no harm“ and “Reflecting on Peace Practice”.

Participants will gain insights into selected tools and have the opportunity to apply these tools to their own projects and/or case studies. Participants will assess the strengths and weaknesses of these tools in order to choose and adapt the right tools for managing their peace projects.

The training is relevant for all who intend to engage in or are already in a position to coordinate peace projects.

Gesa Bent
Jochen Neumann

Costs, Application and Obligatory Tech-Check

The course fee is

  • 600,– Euro for organisations
  • 400,– Euro for individuals
  • 350,– Euro reduced fee for individuals (upon request)

The course fee covers the participation in the video conferences and access to the learning platform for the duration of the course.

If lack of funds is an obstacle to your participation, please let us know. Depending on availability of funds, we may be able to offer reductions on the participation fee.

Applications should reach us as soon as possible and the latest 4 weeks before the respective Introductory Session of each individual training:

01.04.2025  Applying Do No Harm
29.04.2025  Defending Human Rights
06.05.2025  Campaigning for Nonviolent Change 
15.05.2025  Project Management

We cannot accept late or incomplete applications. 
We provide the application form for the respective trainings in due time on our website.

Introductory Session
Participating in the one-hour introduction and passing the tech-check is obligatory. If you do not show up for the introduction or do not meet the technical requirements your participation in the online training will be cancelled while you will be charged with the full training fee. In this brief online meeting we will introduce the tools that will be used in our online trainings, and will check if your internet connection and devices work well enough.

Please note that you should use the same devices and the same internet connection that you would use later in the online training. Only if you pass the tech-check, you will be able to participate in any of our online trainings.

Post-Training Support

We consider post-training support as an essential part of the learning process in order to fully understand the contents of the training, to develop new skills and to adapt the methods presented in a training to the local context and specific needs of the participant.

Thus, for all our online trainings we offer some follow-up support to participants by one or all trainers. Usually the support is from a distance and accordingly will be based on means of communication like email, messenger, video conference or the like. However, making use of the post-training support offered is optional for participants.

In our seminar programme you'll find all trainings that we offer in 2024/25. It is bilingual German and English.

Contact Person

Mona Leirich

opt [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (online[at]kurvewustrow[dot]org)

In our media library you'll find info material, publications, videos and much more