Dear friends,We are facing a challenging situation: two of our long-standing Israeli partner organisations, "New Profile" and "Zochrot", have had their foreign policy clearance withdrawn by the German government for untenable reasons, and with it all of our project funding. This decision calls into question their valuable work for peace and justice in Palestine/Israel and jeopardises the support that is so urgently needed.New Profile has campaigned for non-violent conflict resolution in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for many years. By providing educational opportunities and promoting awareness of militarism, the organisation makes a decisive contribution to understanding and peace. Because they support conscientious objection to military service, the German government no longer considers them to be harmless in terms of foreign policy.Zochrot works to keep the memory of the expulsion of Palestinians alive in Israel today and advocates for a just solution in dealing with Palestinian refugees. Her work is of great importance in enabling an open confrontation with history and creating the conditions for a just peace.Why we reject these decisions:Non-violent conflict resolution: Both organisations are consistently committed to peaceful, non-violent approaches in Palestine/Israel. Their work promotes mutual understanding and makes an important contribution to a just and peaceful society.Conscientious objection and remembrance as legitimate non-violent action: Conscientious objection to military service is a fundamental and legitimate non-violent action. In Germany, it is guaranteed by the Basic Law and recognised as a human right. It is not tenable to stop our project funding with reference to this human right. In the same way, democratic and peaceful solutions to violent conflicts require open debate about and remembrance of injustice in order to find a just way of dealing with it.Feminist foreign policy: New Profile and Zochrot are explicitly committed to feminist peace work. As such, they should actually be in line with the declared goals of German feminist foreign policy.Legality and transparency: Both organisations meet all legal requirements in Israel and have been regularly and routinely audited by Israeli authorities without any complaints.The sudden and unfounded decision to withdraw the foreign policy clearance is a serious setback for Israeli civil society and the efforts for peace and justice in Palestine/Israel. This decision not only jeopardises ongoing projects, but also weakens the trusting cooperation that has been built up over many years.Our attitude:We stand firmly behind "New Profile" and "Zochrot" and their efforts to promote a just and peaceful future in Palestine/Israel. The justifications for the withdrawal of clearance are untenable in terms of content and contradict the principles that we and our partner organisations stand for.How you can help:With your donation, we can ensure that "New Profile" and "Zochrot" can continue their work and continue to advocate for peace, justice and non-violence even without official clearance and independently of the decisions of the German government.Transparency note: KURVE Wustrow uses 3% of the donations to cover the administrative costs incurred (bank transfer costs and administrative staff).Account:Bank: GLS BankOwner: KURVE WustrowIBAN: DE93 4306 0967 2041 6468 02BIC: GENODEM1GLSSubject: Support New Profile and Zochrot Let's send a strong signal of solidarity together and support the important work of our partner organisations!Thank you very much for your support!