
Our team currently composed of more than 30 employees and two young persons on a voluntary ecological year (FÖJ). Our team is lead by two directors.

In addition, around 25 civil peace workers are active in our partner organisations as part of the Civil Peace Service abroad. 


Mathilde Eilrich

Administrative Secretary

info [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (info(at)

+49 5843-98 71 0


Jochen Neumann


jneumann [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jneumann(at)

+49 5843-98 71 38

Anja Petz


til 3/2025 in Sabbatical

apetz [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (apetz(at)

+49 5843-98 71 39

John Preuss


Substitution for Anja Petz

jpreuss [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jpreuss(at)

+49 5843 - 98 71 57

Public Relations

Steffi Barisch

Public Relations

medien [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (medien(at)

+49 5843 - 98 71 35

Christiane Weichsel

Donation Support and Administration 

cweichsel [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (cweichsel(at)

+49 5843-98 71 40

Trainings and Seminars

Mona Leirich

Training Coordinator

mleirich [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (mleirich(at)

+49 5843-98 71 31

Judith Mehrmann

Training Coordinator and Finances

Email: jmehrmann [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jmehrmann(at)

+49 5843-98 71 31

Manuela Valdivieso

weltwärts volunteer South-North

volunteer02 [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (volunteer02(at)

+49 5843-98 71 31

Social Movements

Joel Campe

Movement Worker

jcampe [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jcampe(at)

+49 5843-98 71 43

Peace Education and Encounter

Katharina Arndt

Voluntary Service/Peace Education

Finances, Seminar Coordination, Volunteer-Support

karndt [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (karndt(at)

+49 5843-98 71 33

Esther Binne

Coordinator for Peace Education

ebinne [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (ebinne(at)

+49 5843-98 71 44

Fenja Haak

Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ)

Email: volunteer01 [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (volunteer01(at)

+49 5843-98 71 33

Nele Simon

Coordinator for Peace Education

Coordinator Voluntary Service South-North

nsimon [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (nsimon(at)

+49 5843-98 71 45

Civil Peace Service

Joss Becker

Coordinator Civil Peace Service Ukraine and Security Management

jbecker [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jbecker(at)

+49 5843-98 71 54

Jessica Belke

Coordinator Civil Peace Service Sri Lanka and Myanmar

lwevelsiep [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (jbelke(at)

+49 5843-98 71 50

Wojtek Domachowski

Coordinator Civil Peace Service Israel/Palestine and Western Balkans

wdomachowski [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (wdomachowski(at)

+49 5843-98 71 54

Lisa Gann

Coordinator Civil Peace Service Sudan

lgann [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (lgann(at)

+49 5843-98 71 47

Nina Harder

Project Advisor and impact oriented PM&E (Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation) / Civil Peace Service

nharder [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (nharder(at)

+49 5843-98 71 47

Helge Söhle

Coordinator Civil Peace Service Nepal

hsoehle [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (hsoehle(at)

+49 5843-98 71 52

Finances and Human Resources - Civil Peace Service

Isabelle Donner

Human Resources Civil Peace Service

idonner [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (idonner(at)

+49 5843-98 71 51

Oliver Ehbrecht

Financial Planning and Controlling Civil Peace Service

oehbrecht [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (oehbrecht(at)

+49 5843-98 71 37

Mona Khogali

Finances Civil Peace Service

Sudan and Palestine/Israel

mkhogali [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (mkhogali(at)

+49 5843-98 71 - 34 oder - 53

Anja Ristau 

Finances Civil Peace Service

Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka

aristau [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (aristau(at)

+49 5843-98 71 56

Heike Weißgerber

Finances Civil Peace Service

Western Balkans and Ukraine

hweissgerber [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (hweissgerber(at)

+49 5843-98 71 53

Overall Finances KURVE Wustrow

Bianca Gutke


bgutke [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (bgutke(at)

+49 5843-98 71 32

Annika Huke


ahuke [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (ahuke(at)

+49 5843-98 71 32

Elisabeth Jacobs


ejacobs [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (ejacobs(at)

+49 5843-98 71 32

Cora Starke


cstarke [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (cstarke(at)

+49 5843-98 71 32

Seminar House

Hani Almazaal


tagungshaus [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (tagungshaus(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Karsten Bankmann


tagungshaus [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (tagungshaus(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Kerstin Jurk


kjurg [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (kjurk(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Britta Loges


bloges [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (bloges(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Sarah Plocharska

Coordinator Seminar House

splocharska [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (splocharska(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Nicole Pokallus


tagungshaus [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (tagungshaus(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60

Hida Sula


hsula [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (hsula(at)

+49 5843-98 71 60