Download Strengthens local and national potentials for peace in Nepal The Civil Peace Service (CPS) has been active in Nepal since 2008 and is currently represented by four German organisations: Bread for the World GIZ/ZFD KURVE Wustrow Peace Brigades International Funded by the Federal Ministry forEconomic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),they support the peace work of local partners bysending experts and fostering local activities. Intheir joint country strategy developed for 2021-2025, they have identified the following keystrategic themes: Dealing with the past equal participation of women and marginalised groupsin political decision-making processes streng-thening the rule of law and implementing constitutionally guaranteed rights over-coming sexualized and gender-based violence CPS Nepal works with national and internationalpeace experts in cooperation with 20 Nepalese. Publication year 2023 Editor KURVE Wustrow pbi, Brot, giz Media format Info Material Topics Nepal gender-based violence dealing with the past empowerment of women capacity building PDF file