Celebrating Those Who Are Defending Human Rights

10. December 2018:
70 Years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
20 Years of Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

Celebrating Those Who Are Defending Human Rights

Thank you – Nidal!

Thank you – Abdallah!

… and all the others of you, fighting for human rights every day!

Especially also thanks to those who we could not (yet) feature here, as it is too risky for them!

Nonviolent action for human rights is key for democratic, inclusive, just and peaceful societies!

Nidal Ahmed, Sudanese Human Rights Defender ( picture below left )

Nidal Ahmed is struggling to end discrimination based on gender, ethnicity and racism in Sudan. She is active in campaigns and awareness raising efforts to end violence against women and girls, including Female Genital Mutilation. She also works on the role of women in peacebuilding. Her other focus is on university students and work with them in the field of nonviolent resistance. Social change in Sudan is not easy to achieve, but in spite of setbacks Nidal and others keep on working on it.

Abdallah Abu Rahma, Palestinian Human Rights Defender ( picture below right )

… is a symbol of peaceful resistance against the military occupation of Palestine, which violates not only international law but the human rights of all Palestinian people. For this, he is even ready to go to jail: In November 2018 he was convicted to 4 months in prison for his participation in a protest cycling marathon two years ago. The sentence seems to be related to other nonviolent activities, including his role as leading activist against the demolition of the Bedouin village Khan al Ahmar. Abdallah will most likely begin his sentence from mid-December on. Over the past years Abdallah Abu Rahma has been arrested numerous times and already served 16 months, after being arrested on human rights day 2009.

There are many ways to defend human rights:

Standing up against injustice; organizing survivors of violence and of violations; documenting and exposing violations of human rights; respecting the culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, class, and abilities of the people around us; and building democratic, free and fair societies.

Let us defend human rights – together!

Here are some ways how we can cooperate in defending human rights and supporting human rights defenders:

Send a message of solidarity to Nidal and Abdallah

Tell us your story of how you defend human rights, and encourage others – We want to document your stories of courage, struggle and hope!

Increase your skills in our trainings on human rights, digital security, campaigning and strategizing for nonviolent change, etc.

Defend human rights in your local context, be it in public or private life, and empower yourselves e.g. with more skills like through workshops on “arguing against right-wing populism”

Network with us and other HRD, e.g. by

Joining our human rights working group

Joining our social movement working group