Demolitions in Our Partner Village Al-Walajah

KURVE Wustrow demands an end of housing demolitions

In the early morning hours of 3rd September 2018, in the village of one of our partner organisations, the Palestinian Al-Walajah, three family houses were destroyed by Israeli forces. Another one has been cut down by the family itself upon pressure of the military. People took their belongings out of their houses and then had to watch them being destroyed.

In two of the houses, inhabitants and their friends were resisting nonviolently, by refusing to leave. When the houses were evacuated later by force, riots occurred between the border police / military and some of the villagers. Teargas, sound grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets were used excessively. These bullets are forbidden in the Jerusalem area, to which this part of the village belongs. About a dozen people were injured. Initially, the Palestinian Red Cross was not let through to them.

The house demolitions could be the beginning of a series of further demolitions. It is practically impossible for Palestinian families to get construction permits in the part of the West Bank which is controlled by Israel. At this point, over 50 demolition orders against houses in Al-Walajah are pending. About 50 houses have already been demolished in the past.

KURVE Wustrow demands an end of housing demolitions and land grabbing in the Palestinian Territory, and appeals to the respective decision-makers, to commit to an end of this practice and an appropriate compensation of the affected families in Al-Walajah.

Background Information: The Palestinian village Al-Walajah is by now almost entirely surrounded by the wall and Israeli settlements; Only one street provides access to the village. Since 2016, KURVE Wustrow is cooperating with the local women’s committee: The women create gardens with upcycling methods and strengthen themselves and their families, to being able to withstand the pressure they are facing.

LINK: More information about the women committee and the Civil Peace Service Project in Al-Walajah

LINK: More information about the situation in Al-Walajah