Date 04/04/2024 - 14:00 - 04/29/2024 - 13:00 Place KURVE Wustrow / online Practitioner Training-Online "Applying Do No Harm" (English speaking) Objectives Participants are able to apply the Do No Harm tool to a real project to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Do No Harm approach in comparison with other tools they know to integrate Do No Harm into existing project management procedures We want to do good, but might do harm instead. How can we avoid doing harm? The Do No Harm approach was developed by many practitioners engaged in development work and humanitarian assistance to give an answer to this question. Nowadays it is used by many organisations, also particularly in peace and human rights work. In this training the Do No Harm tool will first be presented by the trainers using a case study. Then participants will be supported in applying the tool to their own projects. In a confidential setting (based on Chatham House rules) the critical details of the project design will be identified and options for a conflict sensitive and effective re-design will be developed. Date 04.+08.+11.+15.+18.+22.+25.+29.04.2024 Trainers Wolfgang Heinrich Jochen Neuman More info on training format, costs and application Downloads KURVE Wustrow Flyer Do No Harm Training 2024150.01 KB