Appeal for donations and petition started

Funding stop for two Israeli NGOs


Happy New Year

Dealing with conflicts

Next seminar series starts in February 2025

Seminar Programme released

All our training offers


Learning together without travelling

40 years KURVE Wustrow

Highlights of the anniversary

Social Change

We support nonviolent movements


17.–21. February
KURVE Wustrow / Germany

Mediating Conflicts in Groups

24.–28. February
KURVE Wustrow / Wendland

Defending Human Rights

3.–7. March
KURVE Wustrow / Germany

Holistic Security

10.–14. March
KURVE Wustrow / Germany

Facilitating a Training

17.–21. March
KURVE Wustrow / Germany

Realising Gender Equity

24.–28. March
KURVE Wustrow / Wendland

Decolonial Transformation

31. March – 4. April
KURVE Wustrow / Germany

Project Management


KURVE Wustrow Flyer Do No Harm Training 2025 frontpic

Do No Harm Training 2025

From 06 - 16 July 2025, the next 'Do No Harm-Training of Trainers' will take place in presence. Participants can apply what they have learned in form of their own workshops in Berlin.

You want to become a peace worker?
Media Library Cover

In our media library you'll find info material, publications, videos and much more

A Closer Look

Broschuere KURVE Wustrow Gewaltfreiheit wirkt 12 Menschen cover - c

12 people 12 stories

Read the new brochure now: In 2020 we celebrated our 40th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we collected stories about successful nonviolent actions and talked to twelve companions. They tell of crafty actions, uncomfortable questions and daring blockades.

KURVE Wustrow Corona Infobild - Nepal

Peace Work in Corona Times

Civil Peace Service: In our partner projects the corona effects are massively felt. The already disadvantaged groups are now suffering even more. We are looking at the situation in Nepal, Ukraine and the Balkans.

If you want to create a world without violence, you have to get there without violence. You have to anticipate your goal in the course of your action.

Margrit Albers was co-founder in 1980

We wanted to combine political education with nonviolent action in a region immediately affected by conflict.

Founding member Wolfgang Hertle about the beginning 40 years ago

International cooperation must not be a one-way street where we Europeans impose our own concepts and methods upon the rest of the world. What really matters is an exchange at eye-level and mutual cross-fertilisation.

Until 2002, Hagen Berndt significantly shaped the KURVE Wustrow

KURVE Wustrow Haus

Contact us

KURVE Wustrow e.V.
Kirchstraße 14
29462 Wustrow
+49 (0)5843-98 71-0
info [at] kurvewustrow [dot] org (info[at]kurvewustrow[dot]org)

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