Date 03/03/2025 - 12:00 - 03/07/2025 - 13:00 Place KURVE Wustrow / Wendland Fachseminar "Holistic Security" (englischsprachig)ObjectivesParticipants are able• to carry out in-depth risk and context analysis to improve their personal and organisational security practices• to create basic security plans and protocols for common or high-risk aspects of their work and activism• to know and choose secure practices and tools according to their own situation and capacityActivists and peace workers face many risks depending on their contexts. This training com-bines physical, psychosocial and digital elements of security and care with security planning and management into an integrated approach. It will stimulate participants to think critically and act to improve the security of themselves, their communities, and families with the objective of “well-being in action”.Based on the Holistic Security Approach, this training enables participants to reframe security into community-care and self-care within their contexts, collectives and organisations to face different forms of repression and violence.Date03.–07.03.2025TrainersMarianne KochPeter SteudtnerMehr Informationen über das Trainingsformat, Kosten und AnmeldungDirekt zum Anmeldeformular Febr-April 2025 Downloads Flyer KURVE Wustrow Practitioner Trainings Presence Febr-April 2025159.27 KB KURVE Wustrow Seminar Progr 2024_253.97 MB