Download This publication is a revised version of the 2002 Trainer's Manual, published by Collaborative for Development Action/Collaborative Learning Projects (CDA). It also includes new material published by CDA in 2016 The authors have added further tested case studies from Cambodia, Mozambique, South Africa and Sri Lanka, the latter being particularly suitable for application exercises. Detailed didactic instructions were written for all case studies. The authors, many of the trainers involved and their organisations bring an additional focus on peace and human rights work, as an extension of the original focus on humanitarian aid and development cooperation. This wider range is reflected in the case studies mentioned, in further examples and also in the language. Terminology has been adapted for the different fields of work from humanitarian aid, development cooperation to peace and human rights work - for example, an intervention is now called a "project" and no longer "aid". The manual has a new structure, the main section of which is based on the Seven Steps of the Do No Harm approach. Other parts have been expanded to provide more background on training methods or reflections on the application of Do No Harm - for example, adapting it for different target groups. The concluding chapter contains all case studies and handouts in a user-friendly layout. The manual contains more options and more varied training methods - for example, a series of role plays on implicit ethical messages. Many creative trainers with diverse backgrounds, especially from South Asia and the Horn of Africa, have contributed proven material. The authors: Wolfgang Heinrich has a background of 30 years of development work with non-governmental organisations. From 1996 to 2001 he was a member of Mary B. Anderson's international team for the „Local Capacities for Peace Project“, which facilitated the development of the Do no harm-Approach. He is a Do no harm-Trainer and engaged in implementing, testing and developing as well as disseminating it. Since 2016 he is a freelance consultant and accompanies local nongovernmental organisations in South Asia and the Horn of Africa. Jochen Neumann is a trainer in nonviolent conflict transformation and the Do no harm-Approach. He worked on mediation and reconciliation in South Africa. From 2001 to 2004 he coordinated the implementation of Do no harm at Peace Brigades International, a human rights organisation which offers protective accompaniment to local human rights defenders. Since October 2004 he is the director of KURVE Wustrow. Publication year 2018 Editor KURVE Wustrow Media format Manual Topics Do No Harm Practitioner Trainings Project Management Training of Trainers PDF file